The first thing to understand about transferring a domain name away from a domain hosting company is that your existing host cannot easily stop or frustrate the process.

The process:

- Go to the login page of where your domain is currently hosted and login to the admin control panel for your domains.

- Find and make a note of the passcode associated with this domain - note that passcode can be called a EPP transfer key or authorisation key.

- Log into your existing control panel, in the Domain area select Registered Domains, on the next screen select Transfer Existing.

- Enter the domain name in the designated field for transferring a domain name to this domain hosting company and in the field requesting a transfer key enter the passcode you noted from the current domain registrar. Click submit.

- The Central Registry will send an email, to the current registrant email domain name contact, with a hyperlink that confirms the domain name transfer is requested. The email will come from "[email protected]" - Please monitor your inbox including the junk mail folder for this email.

- Click on the hyperlink in the email that takes you to the website page where you can validate your domain name transfer request. You must do this promptly - the links expire and last 72 hours at MOST.

- The domain name will then be transferred to - this can take up to 7 days to complete.

Important Note - Post Domain transfer

Once the transfer of an international domain such as .com or .net has taken place the Contact details on the domain will be automatically updated with the Admin contact details registered in your account. When the update takes place you will receive an email from "[email protected]" with the subject "Set your data use consent preferences." You need to click on the hyperlink of the email which will direct you to a page hosted via Enom with a heading " Pty Ltd would like your consent."

If the domain registrant contact email has been updated as part of this process a 2nd email will be sent to verify the registrant contact email after consent has been approved by the previous step. This email will come from "[email protected]" with the subject "IMMEDIATE VERIFICATION required for Please action this request to avoid suspension of the domain.

Please action this request in a prompt manner. If no action is taken your domain will be suspended in 10 days.

Some Frequently Answered Questions Re Domain Names

Q: Can I purchase the domain name from one hosting company and immediately transfer to another one?

A: No. You must wait at least 60 days before the Central Registry will allow the transfer to proceed and your hosting company has no influence on this. We don't have an official reason why but this probably stops fraud where someone buys a domain name and then transfers it away before its apparent that their payment cannot be processed.

Q: There are some really cheap domain hosting companies - shouldn't I just transfer all my domain names to the cheapest?

A: Some of the cheap guys have hidden charges and are not cheap at all. For example when you buy a domain name you may actually want to use it! Yes, you may want to use it for email (eg. [email protected]) and therefore need to add a mail exchange (MX) record, or use it for your website and therefore add an A record so the domain points to your website, or use it to confirm ownership of the domain name for a purpose like Google Analytics tracking and therefore add a text (TXT) record. At Ozhosting you can log into your domain and edit any of these domain records as required. Some domain hosting companies lock the owner out of this area and charge you to access these services - making the domain hosting much more expensive.

Q: Who is the nominated contact for my domain name?

A: Hopefully you! But you can check using a lookup service such as Check the email address and make sure its still accessible and if its a tech support company get them to forward the email to you promptly.

Q: What do I do if I cannot get the authorisation code from where the domain is currently registered?

A: You will need to contact the registrar of the domain directly to obtain your domain password. You can locate your registar by using the following lookup tool -

Q: Is a Domain registrar?

A: No, we have partnered up TPP Wholesale, Enom and OpenProvider to manage domains for our customers.