
How do I restore items from my Critical Email Archive to my Hosted Exchange mailbox?


  1. Log into the Pty Ltd Control Panel -
  2. Select the Critical Email Archiving Subscription via the subscription drop down list on the top right hand corner.
  3. Click on the Critical Email tab
  4. Click on "Login to Critical Email"

In the Critical Email Archive Dashboard you can perform 2 types of restores

How to restore a individual items?

  1. Find your mailbox from the list and click on "View" and select the content type "Messages, Contacts, Calendars or Tasks"
  2. Locate the item you wish to restore and select it via the checkbox and click on the "Restore" button

How to restore bulk items from date ranges or entire mailbox?

  1. Find your mailbox from the list and click on "Restore" and select the Restore type "Restore All or Selective Restore"
    1. Restore All - Restore entire archive to Hosted Exchange mailbox
    2. Selective Restore - Select a date range of items to restore

Once the task is submitted the process will run in the background and be visible via the "History" link on the top of the dashboard.