If you wish to add a NEW MAILBOX for your Exchange, just follow the steps given below: 


1. Log into your Account at: Ozhosting.com Control Panel

2. Click on "Exchange" tab.

3. Select "Add New Mailbox."

4. On this section, you will have an option whether you want to create a mailbox under New Service User or based on Existing one. But most of the time, you will choose New Service User. 

5. Just like adding a new User in the account, you need to put in all the information needed in the system. After that, just hit on "Next."

6. You are now on the part wherein you can enable the services you want for your mailbox. Say for example, POP3. Then just hit on "Submit." 

7. You will now see the summary of all the information you set up for New Mailbox. Hit on "Finish." Wait for 3 to 5 minutes for the new user become ready. 


*please see attachment for actual process.